Help us to continue to provide life-changing work that transforms the youth of New York City by making a gift today.
Your gift will help to cover the cost of our programs and projects, including:
$50 - Pays for art supplies for one young person.
$150 - Sends one youth to a leadership retreat, which builds confidence, strengthens peer bonds and instills live skills.
$250 - Fees 30 youth, aged 8 to 12 in our programs for one week.
$500 - Pays for application fees for one young person to apply to college.
$1,000 - Pays for software upgrades to our Technology Center.
$2,500 - Supplements educational costs to keep on young person in college.
$5,000 - Pays for one member to participate in our International Study Program - 5 months study in NYC and one-month of cultural immersion abroad.
$10,000 - Pays for a full year of programming for two-youth members.
Another way to give is to join our Monthly Giving Program.
When making you gift, just check "monthly" as the preferred frequency of your giving.